Mastering Hotel SEO: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Online Visibility


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Hotel SEO

Hotel SEO

Having a modern website is a necessity for all spheres. Hospitality is not an exception. But even if you have one, what should you do to attract visitors to your website? 

It’s not a secret that making the users land on your website doesn’t need magic but search engines. It doesn’t matter what part of the world you’re located in; SEO (search engine optimization) is the must-have for any hotel website if you are eager to sell more rooms and services. 

Although you may find it confusing at first, the following hotel SEO tips will come in handy if you want to make more people come to your website and increase your bookings.

Are you ready to learn the most effective SEO tips for hotels? Let’s dive into this crucial topic now!

What is SEO for hotel websites?

If you’ve previously heard the abbreviation SEO but don’t know what it is, here’s just a short explanation for you!

SEO or search engine optimization is a group of steps that SEO specialists carry out to improve their website rankings based on various searches on the internet. In other words, SEO is the thing you need to make your website appear on the first page of search results when users search for a word or phrase related to your website.

Hotel SEO will allow you to drive more traffic to your website, strengthen your online presence, and increase bookings. 

That’s why hotel SEO is one of the most crucial parts of hotel digital marketing strategies that should never be ignored. 

Why is it important?

According to recent research, the #1 result in the Google search gets about 33% of clicks. The second result has 18% of clicks. The links on the second page get a maximum of 1% clicks. 

Do you feel the importance of SEO-optimized content on your website now?

Let’s have a look at a few benefits of hotel SEO:

  • Quality leads: People who search for hotels and find you, as a result, are more likely to book at your hotel because they were searching for a place to stay at your location. Once they visit your website and find the content that they were searching for, they start the process of booking a room on your website.
  • More affordable: SEO marketing is more affordable than other methods digital marketing agencies offer. Although it requires more time to see the results, it is definitely worth it.
  • Easily traceable: There are many free and paid SEO tools on the market that you can implement to track and control the progress of your website. 
  • More exposure: Although it is challenging to get the top SERP spots, you will be more successful when you land it. Top SERP spots will allow you to beat your competitors, develop your business, and grow your brand. 

How to perform hotel SEO?

1. Google Search Console setup

The first step you should do is set up Google Search Console. That is one of the most powerful SEO tools out there. You will need it if you want to track, maintain, and optimize your website’s organic search. 

It won’t require a lot of time from you to set it up. Here’s what you should do:

  • Step 1: Use your Google account to sign in to Search Console
  • Step 2: Add a property by entering your website’s domain
  • Step 3: Verify your website

Here are the things you can track using Google Search Console:

  • Clicks: With the help of Google Search Console, you can see how many people clicked on your website and how many visitors your website has.
  • Impressions: This is all about the visibility of your website. If the Console shows you have 50 impressions, then your website appears 50 times via search results.
  • Position: With the help of this option, you can see the average ranking of your website.
  • CTR: You can see how many clicks you had from your impressions with the help of CTR (click-through rate).

2. Indexation 

Can you imagine that you had to go through directories to get information about anything in the early days of the web? Sounds like a time-consuming process, doesn’t it? Almost like the times when you had to consult an encyclopedia to learn about the world or look through piles of magazines. Would you have the patience to do it now?

Search engines have changed the way we retrieve information making it super easy and effective to search for your desired data with the help of a short phrase or just a word. But how do search engines know what you’re looking for from such a vast pool of information on the web?

Search engines process and store information they find in an index, a database of all the content they’ve discovered. After this discovery, it is ready to be demonstrated as a result of your query.

There are several ways you can help search engines find your content and rank it first! One of them is by adding a sitemap to the website. With the help of a sitemap, you can submit a list with all your URLs to Google and help search engines speed up the indexation of the webpage.

Hotel SEO-keyword research

3. Keyword research 

A keyword is one of the crucial components of hotel SEO that helps travelers find websites relevant to their searched words or phrases.

When it comes to your hotel SEO marketing, there are three types of hotel SEO keywords you should consider: 

Primary keywords– These are the main hotel keywords you want your web pages to rank for. Each page can have different hotel-related keywords. After performing keyword research for hotels, you will find the primary ones and create an SEO strategy for each page.

For instance, the main hotel keywords for a hotel in Chicago would be “Chicago hotel” and “hotel in Chicago”.

Secondary keywords– These hotel SEO keywords are less obvious, but they still play their role in SEO ranking. These keywords are more specific compared to the first type. For instance, if the hotel in Chicago is a luxury hotel, its secondary keyword would be “luxury Chicago hotel.”

Long-tail keywords– These are more specific phrases usually consisting of 3-5 words. They can also include how-to’s and questions. For example, if the same Chicago hotel is located in Downtown Riverwalk, the long-tail keyword for this hotel would be “luxury Chicago hotel Downtown Riverwalk”.

Another phrase that you’ll always come across in Hotel SEO is search intent. The latter is the purpose of a user’s search. Search engines can interpret the search intent with the help of algorithm adjustments and show results that meet the user’s search intent. 

You should determine the intent for each hotel webpage. Find different intents for keywords and make sure you use them in your content. An example of it would be creating pages that answer users’ questions that include interrogatives like “how to” or “what is”.

Tips for performing keyword research

  • Understand your audience:

Begin by understanding your target audience. Identify the kind of travelers you want to attract—business professionals, families, adventure seekers, etc. Knowing your audience helps in choosing keywords that resonate with their needs and preferences.

  • Competitor analysis:

Analyze competitors in your niche. Identify the keywords they are targeting successfully. This not only provides insights into your industry but also helps you discover opportunities to differentiate and optimize your content.

  • Location-specific keywords:

Incorporate location-specific keywords to attract local and international visitors. Include the city or region where your hotel is located, as well as popular nearby attractions, landmarks, or events. For example, “luxury hotel in [City]” or “near [Landmark] accommodation.”

  • Long-tail keywords for specific amenities:

Optimize for long-tail keywords that highlight specific amenities or features your hotel offers. This could include keywords like “pet-friendly hotel,” “spa resort,” or “family-friendly accommodation.” Tailoring keywords to unique offerings sets your hotel apart in search results.

  • Consider seasonal keywords:

Factor in seasonal trends in the travel industry. Create content around keywords related to specific seasons or events in your area. For instance, “summer beachfront hotel” or “holiday stay near [Event].”

  • Utilize Google’s Keyword Planner:

Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner for in-depth keyword research. It provides data on search volume, competition, and related keywords. Use this information to refine your list and prioritize keywords that align with your hotel’s objectives.

  • Local SEO Optimization:

Enhance your local SEO efforts by ensuring your Google Business Profile listing is accurate and up-to-date. Include relevant keywords in your business description and encourage satisfied guests to leave positive reviews, further boosting your local search presence.

  • User intent and question keywords:

Identify keywords that reflect user intent and answer common questions. For example, “best hotels for business travelers,” or “hotels near [Airport] with shuttle service.” This approach helps capture users at different stages of their travel planning.

  • Regularly update and expand your list:

Keyword trends evolve, so regularly revisit and update your keyword list. Keep an eye on emerging trends, new attractions, or changes in your locality that might impact search behavior.

  • Monitor and adjust:

Implement tools to monitor the performance of your chosen keywords. Regularly review analytics data to understand which keywords are driving traffic and conversions. Adjust your strategy based on this real-time feedback.

4. Brand SERP 

Brand SERP is what users see on Google when they search for your brand name on a search engine online. It’s just what you see when you use a brand name as a keyword. 

Here is an example of the brand SERP for Fairmont le château Frontenac – one of the luxury hotels in Quebec, Canada:

Brand SERP for hotel seo

Consider your brand SERP as a modern business card. It has to give people a great first impression; otherwise, they won’t even click on your website.

Be sure to have detailed information about your hotel and services when someone searches for your hotel name.

If you want to optimize your brand SERP, you should answer the following questions:

  • Does your website appear at the top of the results?
  • Do the links lead to essential pages?
  • Do you have a Knowledge Panel in brand SERP?
  • Does Google show your social media accounts?
  • Does Google show your YouTube videos if you have some?

The answers to these questions will help you find out what you should focus on and what strategies you should implement to shape an effective Brand SERP.

5. Silo Structure in SEO

Silo structure in hotel seo

A silo structure in SEO is the best way to organize your content based on a specific topic. It will guide users and search engines through your website as you will provide a clear and understandable structure.

Remember that silo structure requires a high level of organization. Each index page should have its website theme. Within this theme, you can add organized silos or categories.

With the help of this hierarchical structure, you’ll help search engines crawl, index and rank your website better.

6. Mobile-friendly website

According to recent studies, 60% of Google searches are done from mobile phones. That’s why you should have a responsive website that visitors can enter from all kinds of devices. 

Do you want to check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not? Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Go to Mobile-Friendly Test
  2. Enter the URL of your website
  3. Hit the “Test URL” button
  4. The results will show whether your webpage is mobile-friendly or not. 

  1. If it’s mobile-friendly, you’ll get a sentence like “page is mobile-friendly”. If it’s not, the website will display the problems and how they can be solved. Follow the steps it shows, or just ask your web designer to fix the issues. 
  2. Don’t forget to test again after you fix the issues.

7. Meta tags 

Meta tags are snippets that are used to describe the content of the website. You can’t see them on the webpage because they are added to the source code so that search engines find out what the website is about.

If you need to discover whether the hotel website uses meta tags or not, here’s what you should do:

1. Right-click on the page

2. Click on the “View Page Source”

Inspect meta tags

3. Have a look at the top or “head” of the codes. Here’s where you should find the meta tags.

meta tags for hotel seo

There are actually different types of meta tags. Some of them affect the results of Google searches; others aren’t very important. The 2 must-have meta tags are title and description.

  • Concise but descriptive meta title

Meta title is an SEO tag that you can see in the search result feed once you search for the word or phrase. It shows what the content of your website is about. They are clickable headlines on SERPS that should be understandable for both website visitors and search engines. 

Hotel SEO tags

That’s why writing a meta tag is tricky. You should keep in mind that using keywords will be helpful for search engines to find your web pages, but users shouldn’t only see keywords written next to each other. 

Below you can find a few tips on how to write a successful meta title. Writing a readable title tag should be an inseparable part of your hotel SEO strategy, as this is the only meta tag that your audience will see at the top of the browser:

  1. Add the name of your hotel or business to the title tag
  2. Write a concise, but descriptive title (the length of the title should be 60-70 characters)
  3. Add up to 3 high-frequency hotel-related keywords (for a hotel website, these keywords might be “apartments”, “rooms”, “hotel”, etc.)
  4. Capitalize some words to make the title more appealing but DON’T USE CAPS!
  • Click-worthy meta description

Meta descriptions are the sales copies of the web pages. With the help of these meta tags, you can describe the content of each page. The meta descriptions appear in the search results when the user searches for a phrase or word that the description includes. 

Meta description for hotel seo

Meta description should serve as an incentive for users to click on your website. So, you should include a call-to-action in the description. 

Below you can find some helpful tips on how to write an attractive meta description:

  1. Write a description between 120-158 characters.
  2. Be careful when writing the first few paragraphs, as they will appear in the search results first.
  3. Add keywords to the description. You can also use the ones that you’ve already written in your meta title.
  4. Don’t forget to add a call-to-action (something like “book a room now!”)
  5. Add your unique selling proposition in the meta description to show your advantages over other hotels.

You can find the meta description of the page by inspecting its source code. Right-click on the page, then click on the “View Page Source”. At the “head of the code, you will see the meta description. Here’s how the code for this meta tag looks:

<meta name=”description” content=”Award-winning Nayara Springs is a place of understated, relaxed luxury where you disconnect from the world and connect with nature.” />
  • Media elements

Media elements like images and videos are SEO treasures for any hotel website. You should use them on your website to get an advantage from these elements, too.

So, before uploading any image or video, don’t forget to optimize them for SEO.

  • Images with keywords

Besides texts, users can also look for images of hotels on the web. Fill alt attributes of your images it is a best practice of accessibility and help search engines understand image content, your hotel images won’t be displayed in the search results. Here are two elements you should consider when optimizing your images for SEO purposes:

Alt text – Initially, alt texts were used to describe images to visually impaired readers. These texts were also helpful for users with slow internet connections or devices that can’t load images properly.

Nowadays, it isn’t only used to improve the UX of the website but also helps search engines index your images.

Here are just a few tips to help you write nice SEO-friendly alt texts for the images of your website:

  • Describe the topic of your image 
  • Add keywords to your description 
  • Write a maximum of 125 characters 
  • There is no need to start the text with expressions like “image of..” or “picture of..”

If you want to find out whether the image has alt text or not, open the source code of your website (press F12 key or Ctrl + U) and have a look at the <img> tag. Below you can compare two examples of codes with and without alt texts:

Without alt text<img src=”×682.jpg”/>
With alt text<img src=”×682.jpg” alt=“Grace hotel in Santorini, Greece”/>

Srcset– This is an attribute that allows you to choose various images for various screens (based on their sizes, display types, and sizes). This is one of the most important attributes as it implements responsive images on your hotel website.

Why is this attribute a must-have? That’s because the same image isn’t displayed the same way on both widescreen devices and mobile phones. Srcset will let you change the resolutions and image sizes and make the images responsive on all devices!

Below you can see an example of srcset code for different resolutions and sizes:

<img srcset=”anna-princess-480w.jpg 480w,             anna-princess-800w.jpg 800w”     sizes=”(max-width: 600px) 480px,            800px”     src=”anna-princess-800w.jpg”     alt=”anna dressed as a princess”>
  • Video 

Remember that big video files slow the website down. Your visitors aren’t patient enough to wait for the video to load. If it lasts long, they’ll just leave your website. That’s why it’s always a great idea to compress the files, of course, without sacrificing its quality. 

You can either ask the videographer to give you compressed files, or you can do it with the help of online tools. 

8. Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile for hotels

Another crucial strategy for your hotel SEO marketing is having your hotel listed on Google Business Profile. This will help you drive more traffic to your hotel websites without much effort. 

Here are a few tips that you can implement when you get listed on Business Profile:

  1. First of all, you should find out if you have access to Business Profile or not. You can claim your listing if you don’t have access.
  2. Don’t forget to mention your NAP- the Name of your hotel, Address, and Phone number
NAP of hotels
  1. Make sure that Google Maps shows your hotel in the right location so that users can find your hotel.
  2. You can add more details about your hotel that your visitors will find important. This could be, for instance, smoking areas, free Wi-Fi, disabled access, free parking, an outdoor pool, etc.

You should update and check your hotel attributes regularly as Google constantly makes changes in these sections:

Google Hotel attributes

9. Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are a set of specific factors that Google considers crucial for measuring the user experience on a website. These metrics focus on three key aspects of web page performance: loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Here’s a brief overview of each Core Web Vital:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP):

LCP measures how long it takes for the largest content element on a web page to become visible to the user. This element could be an image, video, or block of text. A fast LCP indicates that the main content loads quickly, enhancing user experience and engagement.

  • First Input Delay (FID):

FID evaluates the responsiveness of a web page by measuring the time it takes for the page to become interactive. It assesses the delay between a user’s first interaction, such as clicking a button or tapping a link, and the browser’s response. A low FID ensures that users can interact with the page without experiencing frustrating delays.

  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS):

CLS measures the visual stability of a web page by quantifying unexpected layout shifts during the page’s loading process. These shifts occur when elements like images, ads, or buttons move unexpectedly, causing users to click on unintended areas or lose their place on the page. Minimizing CLS ensures a smoother browsing experience and prevents user frustration.

Core Web Vitals are important for SEO because they directly impact user experience, which is a key ranking factor for search engines like Google. 

By improving loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability, websites can enhance user satisfaction, reduce bounce rates, and ultimately improve their search engine rankings. Additionally, Google has announced that Core Web Vitals will become a ranking signal, further emphasizing their importance for SEO success.

10. Pagespeed 

Having too many beautiful photos of your rooms and location is not always a good idea. Well, they are an inseparable part of any web design, but the problem is that too many photos or videos will make your website load slower. The latter has adverse effects on your hotel SEO.

The page speed is one of your website ranking factors. If Google discovers that your server responds slower and takes more time to open the first page, the ranking of your website may decrease. Besides that, customers are too impatient and will leave your website if it takes too long to load the page. Google doesn’t like such behavior and decreases your page ranking because of it, too.

If you want to check the speed of your website, visit online tools like Think with Google and enter your website URL there. Here’s what kind of data you’ll see on the page: 

Pagespeed check for hotel seo

The analysis will show the loading speed of your website, both for mobile and desktop. Moreover, you can see why your website loads slowly and what you can do to solve the problem.

Does your website load slower than it should? Below you can find some tips on how to improve the speed of your website:

  • Use light frameworks to build your website
  • Compress files
  • Have a minimal number of redirects
  • Implement plugins to reduce load time

11. Structured data

Structured data, also called schema, is a code that makes search engines understand your website’s data. You should have structured data as a part of your hotel SEO strategy as it will help the visitors have organized information about relevant topics.

Strucutred data for hotels

There are so many schemes available for hotel marketing. Here are the most effective ones you can add to your hotel website’s schema markup:

You can also ask web developers to add some important markups from The following schemes are helpful for hotel websites:

  • Accommodation scheme- With the help of this markup, the visitors will get detailed information about the rooms and their types.
  • Lodging Business Scheme- Here you can give information about the types of accommodation you offer: hotel, resort, motel, bed & breakfast, etc. You can also mention the hours of the check-ins and check-outs, the currencies you accept, and the number of stars.
  • Offer Scheme- With the help of this markup, you can mention the special offers your hotel has and their conditions (for instance, advance booking or minimum nights).

12. Google hotel search

Imagine how many people search for hotels every single day. If you want Google to show your hotel to more potential visitors, you should indicate your hotel’s accurate information rates and availability.

Follow these simple steps to make this process easy:

  1. Identify your hotel

You need to provide Google with more information about your hotel so that it finds out whether the owner or manager is able to maintain the online presence of the hotel or not. 

Now the question may arise “how do you give this info to Google?”. For this, you’ll need Google Business Profile. This will demonstrate who owns the business and will also help you get important notifications, answer visitors’ reviews, and more.

  1. Share your rates

Once you sign up for a Google Business profile, users can see your account on  Google Maps and Search. However, your account will not include your hotel rates and availability. 

Sharing your rates should become a part of your hotel SEO marketing strategy as travelers are always attracted to hotels that share all the details with them.

  1. Add free booking links

Google allows adding free booking links that help hotel websites appear on Google when someone searches for hotels. It’s a great chance to attract more visitors and get more bookings without paying a penny.

Free booking links show either your site name or hotel name with the rates of the rooms. Once the traveler clicks on the link, they appear on your landing page. 

  1. Run Google hotel ads

The main difference between booking links and ads is that the latter are paid and optional. It’s recommended to use this option, too, as it is tailored to the needs of hoteliers and will expand your reach and increase your hotel bookings.

Google ads will allow you to create ad campaigns based on your market, budget, and business size. You can reach travelers from all parts of the world who have different interests and speak different languages.

13. Appearing in Google’s featured snippets 

Featured snippets are selected search results that are featured at the top of Google’s organic search results, appearing in a box format just below the ads but above the traditional search results. 

These snippets aim to provide users with quick, concise answers to their search queries without needing to click through to a website.

Once your hotel website appears in featured snippets you will have more chances to be noticed by your potential hotel guests.

Featured snippets have a significant impact on SEO for several reasons:

  • Increased visibility

Hotel websites that appear in featured snippets are prominently positioned at the top of the search results, increasing their visibility and exposure to users.

  • Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Studies have shown that websites featured in snippets often experience higher click-through rates, as users are more likely to click on the featured snippet to access the information they need.

  • Authority and credibility

Websites that are selected for featured snippets are perceived as authoritative sources of information by Google, which can enhance their credibility and reputation in their respective industries.

  • Potential for traffic growth

While featured snippets may provide quick answers to users’ queries, they also present an opportunity for websites to attract more traffic by offering additional context or details beyond the snippet.

  • Brand exposure

Being featured in a snippet can increase your hotel recognition, as users become familiar with the website’s content and expertise in a particular subject matter.

Keep in mind that there are different types of snippets (paragraphs, lists, videos, carousels) and the type may change according to the searcher’s location. 

Google hotel search

14. Link building

Links are a crucial part of the internet. All the websites have links, but as a business website, you should use them wisely. Including both internal and external links to your website will provide you with more traffic and leads. 

You can compare the process of link building with a spider’s web. The more threads you have to and from your website, the stronger your hotel SEO will become.

  • Internal links– These links demonstrate your website’s interconnectivity by linking one page to another. For instance, you can link your main hotel page to the page with service prices. Besides the fact that internal links make Google better rank your page, they also make the navigation easier, increasing user engagement.

Tips for effective internal link building:

Relevance firstEnsure internal links fit contextually for a smoother user experience.
Anchor text precisionUse specific, keyword-rich anchor text for internal links.
Strategic placementPlace internal links strategically to guide users to related content.
Go deepLink to specific pages, not just the homepage, to distribute link equity.
Hierarchy logicFollow a logical flow in linking from broader to more detailed content.
Regular auditsPeriodically check and update internal links as your content evolves.
Sidebar/footer linksInclude relevant internal links in your sidebar or footer.
Pillar content boostLink to cornerstone content to enhance its authority.
Avoid overlinkingBalance internal links to prevent overwhelming users.
Performance trackingMonitor internal link performance using analytics.
Natural integrationIntegrate internal links seamlessly for an enhanced user experience.
  • External links– These types of links connect your website with others on the web. This can happen by either adding your links on other websites or having the links of different websites in your content. As a part of your hotel SEO, you can connect with travel bloggers or other relevant third-party resources and ask them to add your links to their pages. The main aim of posting links on other websites is to drive additional traffic.

Tips for effective external link building:

Quality over quantityPrioritize high-quality external links for credibility.
Relevance mattersEnsure external links are contextually relevant to your content.
Diversify anchor textUse diverse and natural anchor text for external links.
Open links in new tabsConsider opening external links in new tabs for improved UX.
Check link healthRegularly check for broken or outdated external links.
Monitor no-follow linksUse “no-follow” for specific external links if needed.
Use UTM parametersAdd UTM parameters for tracking marketing-related external links.
Encourage backlinksFoster natural relationships for inbound links to your site.
Review external linksPeriodically review and update external links for relevance.
Avoid link farmsSteer clear of link farms and focus on genuine connections.
Use tools for analysisUse tools like Google Search Console for external link analysis.
Educate your teamEnsure consistency in responsible external linking across contributors.

15. Fresh and unique content

Fresh and unique content is a cornerstone for successful Hotel SEO, playing a crucial role in enhancing online visibility, attracting potential guests, and establishing a strong digital presence. Here’s a breakdown of the importance of having fresh and unique content for Hotel SEO:

  1. Search engine visibility

Search engines favor websites that regularly update their content. Fresh content signals to search engines that your site is active, leading to better rankings.

  1. User engagement

Fresh content ensures that your website remains relevant and engaging to potential guests. It reflects the current state of your hotel, its offerings, and any promotions or events, keeping visitors interested.

  1. Showcasing updates and promotions:

Regularly updated content allows you to showcase any new promotions, packages, or seasonal events at your hotel. This helps capture the attention of users looking for attractive deals.

Content for hotel seo
  1. Improved user experience

Fresh content contributes to a positive user experience by providing updated and accurate information. Users are more likely to engage with a website that is informative and up-to-date.

  1. Building authority and trust

Continually updating your content, whether through blog posts, event announcements, or new photos, helps establish your hotel as an authoritative and trustworthy source in your industry.

  1. Encouraging repeat visits

Regularly updated content encourages visitors to return to your site. Whether it’s for new blog posts, updated room information, or upcoming events, fresh content keeps your audience engaged.

  1. Competing effectively

In the competitive hotel industry, having fresh and unique content gives you a competitive edge. It helps you stand out in search results and attract users who are seeking the latest and most relevant information.

  1. Adaptability to SEO trends

Aligning with Algorithm Changes: Search engine algorithms evolve, and fresh content aligns your website with these changes. Keeping your content current ensures that your SEO strategies remain effective over time.

Hotel SEO Tools 

There are so many hotel SEO services and tools that you can implement to improve your website traffic. Each hotel SEO tool has its advantages. 

Here are some of the most commonly used SEO tools for you to consider:

SemrushAn all-in-one digital marketing buddy that covers everything from boosting your website’s search engine visibility to social media management. It’s like having a marketing Swiss Army knife.
AhrefsYour SEO sidekick with a slick user interface and the largest collection of links. A powerhouse toolset designed to make your website climb the ranks with style.
MozYour virtual ally in decoding your audience and smoothly steering your SEO campaigns. It’s like the compass guiding your ship through the vast seas of digital marketing.
Keyword PlannerThe ultimate navigator for uncovering keywords that truly matter for your content. Dive into the depths of competition levels and historical data, helping your content set sail in the right direction.
UbersuggestThe free brainstorming companion that crafts innovative keyword ideas, steering your digital marketing ship towards uncharted territories. It’s like having a creative brainstorming session on demand.
OncrawlThe ultimate enterprise SEO explorer and log analyzer. Imagine it as the fearless adventurer, delving deep into the heart of your website to unveil hidden treasures for optimal SEO performance.
Screaming FrogYour website’s vigilant crawler, extracting vital data and auditing it for common SEO issues. 

Enhance your SEO efforts with a social media presence

By strategically sharing content, engaging with your audience, and utilizing hashtags, you can drive traffic to your website while increasing brand recognition. 

Encouraging user-generated content, collaborating with influencers, and monitoring social signals are also effective ways to leverage social media for SEO success. 

Don’t forget to integrate social sharing buttons on your website to ensure your visitors can easily share your articles on social media, which can increase your website’s traffic and lead to more bookings.

Monitor and measure your SEO success

Monitoring and measuring SEO performance for hotel websites is essential for tracking the effectiveness of your optimization efforts and identifying areas for improvement. Here’s how to effectively monitor and measure SEO performance for your hotel website:

  1. Set clear goals

Define specific, measurable goals for SEO efforts:

  • Increase organic traffic
  • Improve keyword rankings
  • Boost conversions (e.g., bookings, reservations)
  1. Utilize SEO analytics tools

Use tools like:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Third-party SEO platforms
  1. Monitor keyword rankings
  • Regularly track hotel website’s keyword rankings in SERPs
  • Identify optimization opportunities for high-value keywords
  1. Track organic traffic
  • Monitor organic traffic using Google Analytics
  • Analyze traffic trends, fluctuations, and page/keyword performance
  1. Assess on-page metrics

Analyze on-page metrics such as:

  • Bounce rate
  • Average session duration
  • Pages per session
  1. Evaluate conversion rates

Measure conversion rates for key actions:

  • Bookings
  • Reservations
  • Inquiries
  • Newsletter sign-ups
  1. Monitor local SEO performance

Track hotel’s visibility in local search results and Google Maps

Monitor metrics like:

  • Local pack rankings
  • Local search impressions
  • Clicks
  1. Review backlink profile
  • Regularly assess the quality and quantity of inbound links
  • Identify opportunities to build high-quality backlinks
  1. Stay updated on algorithm changes
  • Stay informed about search engine algorithm updates
  • Adapt SEO strategy according to industry best practices
  1. Regular reporting and analysis
  • Generate regular reports on SEO performance
  • Conduct in-depth analysis to identify trends and areas for improvement


  • Why should hotels do SEO?

If you want to strengthen your online presence, drive more traffic to your website, and, finally, increase your hotel’s bookings, you should include SEO in your digital marketing strategy.

  • How to do SEO for a hotel website?

Here are 5 simple steps one should take for hotel website SEO:

  1. Have unique page titles and descriptions
  2. Carry out keyword research for hotels and target the keywords related to your website
  3. Make sure your website loads quickly
  4. Write high-quality content
  5. Check broken links
  • How to improve SEO on hotel bookings? 

Make sure you have an attractive Brand SERP and include only unique and updated content on your website. If you don’t attract users, they will not click on your website and will look for other hotels.

As you can see, hotel SEO services play a crucial role in the success of your hotel. There are so many hotel SEO tips you can implement to drive traffic to your website and increase your hotel bookings. 

To help you with the SEO optimization of your website, we have created a complete hotel website SEO checklist! Go through all the steps and tick the checkbox once you complete them. Do it regularly, and the results will surprise you! 

However, if you have difficulties finding the most relevant hotel SEO strategy for your website, contact DesigningIT. Our specialists will provide the most effective hotel SEO services for your business!

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