Secrets to Perfect Hotel Promotional Video


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Secrets to Crafting the Perfect Hotel Promotional Video

Secrets to Crafting the Perfect Hotel Promotional Video

Using compelling video in marketing campaigns is a tactic known as “video marketing,” which is used to advertise a product or brand on digital platforms.

These days, increasing awareness, fostering engagement, and boosting sales are so commonplace that it’s a necessary skill for any marketer.

Video is naturally engaging, and if utilized well, is effective in promoting your hotel, building your brand, and driving business. Enticing group business or leisure travelers to stay at your hotel is easier when they can see what you have to offer. But hotel video marketing goes well beyond simply showcasing your property in video form. Keep reading for some ideas to help boost your exposure, as well as some top examples from real brands.

What is Hotel Video Marketing?

Hotel video marketing includes videos about the wider hospitality industry, ranging from content about your hotel to exclusive leisure facilities and event promos. Hotel videos allow your audience to see exactly what your hotel has to offer and is a visually engaging and compelling way to promote and market your hotel’s products and services. 

This can all lead to better engagement on digital and social channels, a more informed audience, and a greater reach into your potential consumer demographic.

Video creation is a little more than just a pretty collage of images with a backing track and it’s not just about trying to sell content to consumers. If you truly want your content to be amplified, you’ll need to do more and use the strengths of storytelling in videos to send a real message.

Emotions play a massive part so this is where you should focus your efforts. Try to instill awe in viewers with your videos to reach new guests, drive site traffic, and share your hotel’s story.

What is Video Marketing

Types of Videos for Hotel Marketing

There are many ways to showcase your hotel with videos and cool shots of the facility. The types of videos used for hotel marketing depend on various factors such as your target audience, the channel the video is planned to be used, the goal, and the overall marketing strategy planned. Let’s discuss some of the main types of videos for hotel marketing.  

Drone videography

Drones are a great way to create immersive video experiences that provide potential guests with a detailed and interactive view of the hotel’s facilities, amenities, and accommodations.
Indoor drone videography uses a drone to capture stunning, high-quality footage of indoor venues. Drone videography is an innovative, cost-effective way for hotel owners to market their event venues such as banquet halls, wedding ballrooms, restaurants, and other high-class amenities. Drones have become a great asset for any hotel owner as the shots are amazing and can be used for video marketing for hotels. 


Engagement: Done video tours engage viewers by allowing them to explore the hotel as if they were physically present, leading to longer viewing times and increased interest.

Transparency: Hotel video marketing through drone video tours offers a transparent view of the hotel’s facilities, building trust and credibility with potential guests, reducing uncertainty, and increasing confidence in booking decisions

Drone Hotel Promotion
Customer Testimonials and Reviews

Customer testimonial videos feature satisfied guests sharing their positive experiences, feedback, and recommendations about their stay at the hotel. These videos typically include interviews, testimonials, and footage of guests enjoying the hotel’s amenities or services.


Social Proof: Testimonial videos provide social proof and validation of the hotel’s quality, service, and guest satisfaction, influencing potential guests’ perceptions and decision-making.

Authenticity: Authentic customer testimonials create trust and credibility by showcasing real experiences and genuine feedback, demonstrating the hotel’s commitment to guest satisfaction.

Guests Testimony
Customer Testimonials
Event Coverage and Highlights

Event coverage videos capture the excitement, energy, and highlights of special events, conferences, weddings, or celebrations hosted at the hotel. These videos showcase the event venue, decorations, activities, performances, guest interactions, and testimonials from event organizers or attendees.


Showcase Versatility: Event coverage videos demonstrate the hotel’s versatility as a venue for hosting a wide range of events, from corporate meetings to social gatherings, showcasing its capabilities and amenities.

Inspiration: These videos inspire potential event planners and organizers by showcasing successful events, creative setups, and memorable moments, sparking ideas and interest in hosting their event at the hotel.

Promotion: Event highlights videos can be used for promotional purposes to attract future event bookings, showcase the hotel’s event planning services, and highlight past successes and testimonials from satisfied event clients.

Benefits of Video Marketing for Hotels

Hotel video marketing has a range of purposes. Not only is it useful for providing a quick insight into your accommodation and facilities but it can benefit your hotel in more ways than you realise. Let’s uncover some of them!

  1. Enhance Online Search Visibility

    Videos can improve a hotel’s online search visibility by attracting more organic traffic through video SEO techniques. Search engines often prioritize video content in search results, leading to higher visibility and click-through rates for the hotel’s website.

    Additionally, embedding videos on the hotel’s website can increase dwell time, reduce bounce rates, and improve overall SEO performance, contributing to enhanced online visibility.

    💡Marketers achieved a 34% higher conversion rate by including video content in their marketing campaigns. Adding video content on full-page ads can increase engagement by 22%. Advanced video analytics software is used by 35% of businesses to measure the performance of their video content.

  2. Build Trust and Brand Awareness

    Promotional videos help build trust and credibility with potential guests by providing a transparent and authentic view of the hotel’s offerings, amenities, and guest experiences.

    By showcasing the hotel’s unique value proposition and creating an emotional connection with viewers, videos can foster brand awareness, recognition, and positive associations, leading to increased trust and loyalty.

  3. Increase Engagement within Emails

    Including video content in email marketing campaigns can significantly increase engagement metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

    Videos in emails capture attention, convey information more effectively than text alone, and encourage recipients to take action, such as visiting the hotel’s website, booking a stay, or exploring special offers.
  4. Elevate Sales, Conversions & Overall Revenue

    Video hotel marketing has a direct impact on sales, conversions, and revenue generation by influencing potential guests’ booking decisions.

    Compelling and persuasive promotional videos can drive more direct bookings, upsell additional services or amenities, and contribute to higher average booking values, ultimately leading to increased revenue and profitability for the hotel.

💡Key Takeaways

  • Emphasize Storytelling: Create engaging narratives that showcase the hotel’s unique features and experiences.
  • Quality over Quantity: Focus on producing high-quality videos that reflect the hotel’s brand and standards.
  • Effective Distribution: Utilize various platforms like social media and the hotel’s website for maximum reach.
  • Seasonal and Event-Based Content: Creating videos for specific seasons or events to attract relevant audiences.
  • Interactive Video Features: Using interactive video elements to engage viewers and provide additional information.

Channels Where Video Hotel Marketing Can Be Used

The table below presents a comprehensive overview of effective engagement strategies for hotel videos across diverse platforms. Each strategy is accompanied by key metrics, enabling hotels to assess the performance of their video marketing efforts.

PlatformEngagement StrategiesKey Metrics
Hotel WebsiteShare videos on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Run video ad campaigns targeting specific demographics.Website TrafficTime spent on site
Social MediaShare videos on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.Run video ad campaigns targeting specific demographics.Likes, comments, sharesClick-through rate (CTR)
Email NewslettersAdd video tours to property listings. Respond to guest inquiries with personalized videos.Open rate, click-through rate (CTR)Conversion rate
Booking PlatformsBooking inquiries, conversion rate conversion rate, guest satisfactionTraffic, engagement reach, engagement
Other Marketing ChannelsInclude video teasers in email campaigns. Use videos to showcase special offers and events.Embed videos on the homepage and relevant pages. Create video galleries showcasing amenities.
Video Marketing Table

5 Effective Hotel Video Marketing Tips

1. Consider Your Audience: Understand the preferences, interests, and demographics of your target audience. Whether your audience comprises families, adventure seekers, business travelers, or anyone else, you should create video content that speaks to their needs and desires.

2. Highlight Unique Selling Points:  Highlight the special qualities, services, and experiences that make your hotel stand out from the competition. Emphasize the unique features of your property, such as its breathtaking views, unique architecture, first-rate service, or environmentally conscious efforts.

3. Tell a Captivating Story: Make memorable and interesting video content by utilizing storytelling techniques. To stir feelings and establish a stronger connection with viewers, talk about your hotel’s mission, vision, and core values while showcasing guest experiences.

4. Optimize for Mobile: As many viewers access content on mobile devices, optimize your videos for mobile viewing. Ensure that videos load quickly, are easily accessible on mobile platforms, and provide a seamless viewing experience across devices.

5. Utilize Different Video Types: Explore a variety of video types, such as virtual tours, customer testimonials, event highlights, destination guides, and promotional videos. Each type serves a different purpose and can engage viewers in unique ways.

Examples of Powerful Hotel Videos

1.Bulgari Hotels & Resorts

Bulgari Hotels and Resorts just blows your mind with its unique approach to creating experiences with videos. They focus more on creating vibrant videos, and virtual tours to attract customers and showcase the uniqueness of the area and services!

    Bulgari Hotels and Resorts

    2. Amanjena – Luxury Resort in Marrakech, Morocco.

    As you visit the website you see an amazing video right on the website landing page that just gives you all the vibe of the hotel, the area, and the experience. 

    Amanjena Luxury Resort in Marrakech

    3. Hilton Bali Resort

    Hilton Bali Resort has video representation of their rooms and area which is great as many people have a video tour of the rooms so that they can see the view, and the area and decide whether the vibe is for them.

    Hilton Bali Resort
    The Bellevue Resort


    How can video marketing benefit my hotel’s online presence?

    Video marketing can significantly enhance your hotel’s online presence by engaging potential guests with visually captivating content. It can showcase your hotel’s unique features, amenities, and experiences, increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and boosting bookings.

    What types of videos are effective for hotel marketing?

    Effective types of videos for hotel marketing include virtual tours showcasing your facilities, customer testimonials and reviews providing social proof, and event coverage highlighting special occasions at your hotel. Each type serves to engage viewers, build trust, and showcase your hotel’s value proposition.

    How should I distribute and promote my hotel marketing videos?

    Distribute your hotel marketing videos across various channels, including your website, social media platforms, email newsletters, and video-sharing sites like YouTube. Utilize targeted ads, promotions, and SEO strategies to reach your target audience and maximize video visibility and engagement.

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